Posted on by Steve Kirchhoff

Halloween Party - So wird es gemacht!

Every year on October 31st, the motto is "Sweets, otherwise there's treats"! It's not just the kids who like to dress up as ghosts, skeletons, pumpkins and bats for Halloween. Adults also love this custom from the USA, which makes the often dreary autumn a little more colorful. If you want to plan a Halloween party, you need scary costumes, but also ideas for scary Halloween party games and scary Halloween decorations! With a little imagination and skill you can make the "Night of the Undead" an unforgettable experience for your guests. Here you will find tips on popular mottos, disguises, games and decorations for a successful Halloween party!

Hellishly good - zombies and characters from the "underworld" give your Halloween party the right flavor

Gruselig-Schöne Halloween Party

While Halloween costumes for children are rather playful, cute and harmless, it is allowed at a party for adultsto be a bit scary! Particularly impressive are zombie costumes that look really terrifying with stuck-on wounds, white contact lenses and blood spray. Not just oneMotto party on "The Walking Dead" As a zombie professor, give your guests goose bumps! With tattered clothes, covered in blood and accessories such as a severed rubber hand, you make a good impression on zombie Little Red Riding Hood, undead nurses and Co.

The effect of a stylish zombie face in which the skin hangs down in tatters can be achieved with liquid latex. You can also use it to model scars, cuts and abrasions. The finish willwith matchingHalloween make-up achieved so that your zombie face looks real! If you want a disguise that is easy to put on and take off, you can use a horrible zombie mask with your brain peeking out. So that the zombie society does not get out of hand at the party, zombie hunters should also be present. With a terrifying outfit, a dark protective cap and a huge sword, the "hunters of the undead" plunge into the fray.

Other characters from the "underworld" also cut a fine figure on the dance floor! For example, slip onin the role of a cheeky devil with a tight tutu, red devil's tail, devil horns and wings. With demonic latex masks or a devil's make-up kit, costuming as mythical creatures succeeds across the board! The mood is cheered on by matching Halloween party games, such as the mummy wrap game. Here a couple wraps two rolls of toilet paper around each other. The first group whose roles are empty wins and receives a gruesome prize: a high-proof scary drink from a zombie skull mug. With games like these, a relaxed atmosphere and a high flirt factor are guaranteed.

Costumes and Halloween decorations for a creepy movie star party

Freddy Krüger KostümFilms and series contain a lot of check-exciting characters, which provide optimal costume and decoration suggestions for the next Halloween party! How about, for examplea classic Freddy Kruger costume? The horror character from the 80s film "A Nightmare on Elm Street" is known for his brand-scarred face, the blade glove and his red and black striped sweater. Also a scary oneMicheal Myers costume with dark blue overalls, white mask and knife recreates a famous horror film character. The serial killer from "Halloween - The Night of Horror" is just as scary as the legendary mask figure from "Scream". The figure dressed in black with a hood and mask flickered across the cinema screens for the first time in 1996 and is still a popular Halloween classic today.

AThe 1988 film "Beetlejuice" is a combination of comedy and horror. Transform yourself into the movie star Michael Keaton aka Beetlejuice for the Halloween party! A costume with a black and white striped suit, green wig and gruesome make-up makes it possible in no time at all! You can order Halloween decorations for a creepy movie star party online to match these horror characters from films. Should it be, for example, a rubber Freddy Krüger figure that appears to crawl out of the ground and scares the guests. A sign "Elm Street" also reminds of the horrible film. Halloween decoration for the horror movie "It" by Steven King is a clown figure with shining eyes and sharp teeth. Vampire movie lovers hang bats, coffins, garlic chains and skulls in the party room!!

Organize a party with the motto "Dia de los Muertos"

Dia de los muertos Makeup

The Mexican Halloween festival is "day of the Dead"or" Dia de los Muertos ". This colorful folk festival does not mourn, but ratherone remembers the deceased in a positive and exuberant way. Death symbols such as skulls and skeletons are warped with colorful flowers. If you are planning a Halloween party with the motto "Dia de los Muertos", you should put together suitable costumes, Halloween decorations and Halloween party games in good time!

For example, chooseonebeautiful Sugar Skull catsuitthat emphasizes your figure and is combined with a matching mask. Men wear a brightly printed opposuit from which ornamentally decorated skulls with hats can be seen. An adequate Halloween decoration for the "Day of the Dead" consists of small skulls, graves or skeletons made of icing, which are decorated with flowers in all colors of the rainbow. A cake with such decorations is also a stylish highlight at your Halloween party.

Original Halloween games bring the mood to a boil

Regardless of whether you are planning a Halloween party on the theme of scary movie stars, zombies or witches - funny Halloween party games always ensure a lively atmosphere among the guests!Host a pumpkin carving competition, where the scariest Jack O'Lantern is awarded at the end of the evening. Also brings a lot of funa thriller dance contest á la Michael Jackson. Which zombies, devils and witches do best as a dancer gives you goose bumps and fits of laughter the box of horror: Your guests have to feel different things with their hands in a box. Put items in the box that, with a lot of imagination, will pass as real horror shockers. A peeled tomato is a bloody organ, or a carrot is a severed finger.

Find your stylish horror costume, scary decorative items and effective zombie makeupdirectly on! And your Halloween party is secured:)
