Angela Merkel mask

The party chancellor - Angela Merkel mask

You like to wear colorful trouser suits and oversized necklaces. Power games and sawing off opponents are exactly your thing - then take action now Angela Merkel paper mask and become the undisputed number 1 among Europe's party politicians.n.

Scope of delivery:

  • 1x paper mask - German Chancellor Angela Merkel

Product Features:

  • Unisex Size
  • mask perfect for parties
  • Light to wear
  • Material from sturdy cardboard

No party without mom Angela

The "little girl from the east" fought her way to the top of her party in just a few years and finally established herself as chancellor. Hardly any other woman of the present day embodies power and assertiveness as much as the trained nuclear physicist and pastor's daughter.

With the photorealisticAngela Merkel cardboard mask you will become the most powerful woman in the world in a few seconds, including the deep corners of your mouth. Often decried as an unjustly silent mouse, Angela turns out to be a party beast in the Chancellery at night. Their stamina is feared in Brussels and Berlin. Those who spend the night with her usually come home heavily sweaty and often not home before dawn. During the day the lectern becomes your DJ booth and the crowds move to the rhythm of their rousing speeches.

You are planning a big German-American politician party, then invite Donald Trump and his wife right awayMelania a. Only with these reinforcements the party will be a round thing!

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