FilterCHF 5.90
Sofort lieferbar
CHF 5.90
CHF 5.90
CHF 5.90
Sofort lieferbar
CHF 5.90
CHF 29.90
CHF 29.90
CHF 29.90
CHF 29.90
CHF 29.90
CHF 14.90
CHF 5.90
CHF 5.90
CHF 5.90
CHF 5.90
CHF 5.90
CHF 5.90
CHF 5.90
CHF 5.90
CHF 5.90
Sofort lieferbar
CHF 5.90
CHF 24.90
Sofort lieferbar
CHF 27.90
Sofort lieferbar
CHF 19.90
CHF 5.90
CHF 24.90
CHF 5.90
CHF 5.90
CHF 5.90
CHF 14.90
CHF 5.90
CHF 16.90
Sofort lieferbar
CHF 5.90
CHF 14.90
CHF 24.90
Sofort lieferbar
CHF 24.90
Changing the face is a great way to make a costume authentic but also to make an impression. Masks are a great alternative if you don't feel like changing yourself with make-up or if you don't have the patience. Because with a great mask you make it really easy for yourself and achieve a maximum effect.
You can present yourself elegant and a little wicked if you decide on a Venetian mask. But the various carnival masks also have their own charm and offer a good opportunity for a quick disguise. Animal masks and also the creepy and nasty horror masks complete the picture that you have created with an appealing costume. Especially the horror masks create an immense effect and turn a simple costume into something very special.
Celebrity or celebrity masks are also a great way to make your party appealing or they can be placed well in a photo booth. You can also use paper masks if you don't like plastic or latex or don't tolerate it. Even if you have an allergy to cosmetics, a mask can be the way to give your outfit the final and decisive touch.